Learn about scams to avoid when you’re buying, financing, or maintaining your car, including false advertising, hidden add-on fees, misleading loan terms, and more.
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Buying and owning a car
Federal Trade Commission
Know your rights when buying new and used cars, navigating vehicle repossession, and refinancing auto loans.
Report fraud, scams, and bad business practices
Federal Trade Commission
Report fraud, scams, and bad business practices to the Federal Trade Commission.
Reporte fraude
Federal Trade Commission
Proteja a su comunidad reportando fraudes, estafas y malas prácticas comerciales.
VA Fraud Prevention Toolkit
Department of Veterans Affairs
This toolkit is a partnership between federal agencies, Veteran Service Organizations, Military Service Organizations, and the Department of Veterans Affairs to arm Veterans with the knowledge of the common schemes we are seeing.
What to do if you were scammed
Federal Trade Commission
Find out what to do if you paid someone you think is a scammer or gave a scammer personal information or access to your computer or phone.