Spot and avoid fraud by individuals or institutions at any level of schooling, including untrue claims about accreditation, job placement, costs, and public funds in the form of student loans, Pell Grants, GI Bill programs, and research grants.

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About education scams
Department of Veterans Affairs
Education scams are when a fraudulent company or individual is misleading or deceiving students. Scammers will also attempt to charge Veterans for services that are available for free.
Avoiding student aid scams
Department of Education
You never have to pay for help with your federal student aid (including federal student loans). Make sure you understand which companies and claims are legitimate.
Claims Predators
Department of Veterans Affairs
The process of applying for VA benefits can be complex, and Veterans often rely on assistance to navigate the process. Unfortunately, claims predators take advantage of Veterans by offering help with their benefits claims while exploiting their trust and financial resources.
College degree scam
Federal Trade Commission
Learn the signs of a college degree scam and how to spot fake degrees and college programs.
Education OIG hotline
Department of Education
Please report suspicions of student loan-related scams, fraud, identity theft, and other misuse or abuse of U.S. Department of Education funds to the Office of Inspector General hotline.
Free resources from the Department of Education OIG
Department of Education
Learn how to identify student loan-related scams, fraud, and other schemes.
How to avoid student loan forgiveness scams
Department of Education
Identify and avoid student loan forgiveness scams, and learn what to do if you think you’ve been scammed.
Paying for school and avoiding scams
Federal Trade Commission
Explore military education benefits and advice, free help for managing student loans, and information on educational scams.
Report education fraud
Federal Trade Commission
Veterans, servicemembers, and military families can report education fraud, scams, and bad business practices to the Federal Trade Commission.
Report fraud, scams, and bad business practices
Federal Trade Commission
Report fraud, scams, and bad business practices to the Federal Trade Commission.
Reporte fraude
Federal Trade Commission
Proteja a su comunidad reportando fraudes, estafas y malas prácticas comerciales.
Student loan and education scams
Federal Trade Commission
Read consumer alerts related to student loan and education scams.